Setting a Private Pay Rate in Your Practice
Written by Kelsey Someliana-Lauer, Therapy Practice Solutions Virtual Assistant Last month, we talked about the differences between an insurance-based practice and a private pay only practice for mental health practitioners (if you missed that blog, check it out here!). If you’ve got enough referral sources and are in an area with enough paying clients, private pay could be a great way to make more money and keep your caseload down. Once you’ve decided you’d like to have a private pay mental health private practice, the next step is to decide on your rates. Lost on what the first step is to decide what to charge your current and potential clients? Check out these three tips on how to set your private pay rate as a mental health clinician! Set A Rate That Supports You One of the reasons many mental health therapists decide to go private pay is because insurance companies can pay abysmally low rates (no offense, insurance companies). You may find as an insurance-accepting provider t...