
Showing posts from October, 2022

Resources to Celebrate Neurodivergence in the Therapy Office

  Resources to Celebrate Neurodivergence in the Therapy Office Written by Kelsey Someliana-Lauer, Therapy Practice Solutions Virtual Assistant October is the perfect time to celebrate neurodiversity as the whole month is ADHD Awareness Month , and October 11-17 is OCD Awareness Week ! What is neurodiversity? Neurodiversity or neurodivergence is a term used to describe brains that function in a different way than is considered “neurotypical.” This may look like folx who have a hard time focusing, who need to stick to certain patterns, who have difficulty deciding how to tackle tasks, or anyone whose brain causes them to act, think, and perceive things differently. While there are multiple forms of neurodivergence (including being on the Autism Spectrum, having a learning disability, and so on), today’s blog post highlights two forms: ADHD and OCD. Folx with ADHD are neurodivergent as their brain may cause them to have difficulties in remaining still, focusing, delegating tasks, ti...

World Mental Health Day: Clinicians, Don’t Pour From An Empty Cup

Written by Kelsey Someliana-Lauer, Therapy Practice Solutions Virtual Assistant World Mental Health Day in 2022 is October 10th. Today, clinicians and other content creators seek to raise awareness about the importance of mental health. If you’re a mental health clinician, however, mental health day is everyday - you’re always raising awareness with your clients! This year, the World Health Organization , who largely runs World Mental Health Day, released a statement about the goals of 2022’s celebration. The first goal of World Mental Health Day in 2022 is to acknowledge the impact of COVID-19. Next, the WHO highlighted the growing societal conflict, including violence and economic conflict, occurring throughout 2021 and 2022. Finally, WHO acknowledges that discrimination and stigma against mental health care are still barriers to people receiving mental health treatment in 2022. While all of these objectives are great, the pros at Therapy Practice Solutions are adding one more - we...