Documentation: It Doesn’t Have To Be Scary
Written by Kelsey Someliana-Lauer, Therapy Practice Solutions Virtual Assistant If we polled 100 therapists (we haven’t, so no official study being published for you), I’d be willing to bet less than 10 therapists would cite documentation as their favorite part of counseling. I would also be willing to bet at least 10 would cite documentation as scary or otherwise anxiety-producing - and I bet it would be more than 10! Mental health therapists often find documentation intimidating due to the intricate balance required to maintain client confidentiality, meet insurance requirements, and capture the nuanced details of therapy sessions, with the added challenge of navigating complex and sometimes confusing insurance documentation expectations. The fear of legal or ethical consequences further compounds the pressure, and the time-intensive nature of thorough documentation can be perceived as a competing demand against the direct care needed for clients. In other words, documentation is to...