Marketing for Your Mental Health Niche
Written by Kelsey Someliana-Lauer, Therapy Practice Solutions Virtual Assistant You’ve finally found your niche - and if you haven’t, check out our last blog here . You have a clear idea of who you want to serve and what presenting concerns they have. You’ve even done a training or two to make sure you have marketable skills in treating that population. Now, there’s only one thing left - it’s time to get some of your niche clients! If you’re unsure of where to even start when it comes to marketing for your mental health niche, check out these tips below on marketing for your niche. Utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) One of our best tools in marketing in Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Unfortunately, one of the things that is least understood is also SEO. For a primer on Search Engine Optimization, check out one of our favorite guides here . As a rundown, SEO is how search engines, like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, direct searchers to the correct site. If your site ha...